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Showing posts from May, 2012

Making an Airplane for Sky VBS 2012

 I am making a bi-plane to hang in the sanctuary of our church for VBS.  We are doing  Group's Sky VBS . Okay, so the messes you see in the background here are in my "workshop".  I have a mobile home on my property that I use for my workshop/sewing room/storage/puppet workshop etc.  It's so nice to make these messes and then just walk away! This is the bottom wing of the bi-plane painted red. I cut it out of pink insulation foam. We already had the foam and the paint so this is a free project so far! This will be the top wing. This is the rear wing. This is the tail and the propeller.  I haven't decided what color the propeller will be yet. This will be the fuselage (is that the right word?) made from a concrete form. I already  had this too! Another free resource! Yeah! Everything drying! This little  craft tutorial  was my inspiration for my shapes.  I hope it goes together like I want...