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Showing posts from April, 2014

Can you ever get enough of VBS?

  Not me! I’m currently planning my teaching session for our local association’s annual VBS conference. My notebook: (I make a notebook for EVERYTHING!)   I’m teaching Children’s Bible Study Grades 1-6. To adults! Gasp!  The conference is for the Lifeway Agency D3 VBS curriculum.  No, my church isn’t using Lifeway for our VBS, however I am familiar with Lifeway, having used it for almost two decades!  Has it really be that long? Yes, yes it has. I can remember that first year they switched to the new “theme-y” format. I think it was a western theme with a Steven Curtis-Chapman song as the theme song. My children were wee lads and lasses and one wasn’t even imagined yet! Anyhoo! I’m enjoying the sneak peak into what this theme is all about.  APOLOGETICS! Yeah! It’s a great basis and kids need to be able to defend themselves in this old world. I really like the “Discover Decide Defend” motto and the secret agent theme setting. I really like th...

Attending Group’s VBS FUN Shop!

Recently a few members of our VBS team attended one of Group’s VBS FUN Shops.   It was awesome!  I really liked how the way the day was lined out.  We arrived and signed in, got our name badges and headed over to the refreshments. Fruit for me! We gathered in the large group area and played a few games to break the ice, get to know others around us, a little networking and prize winning. I won some CD’s! Whoo Hoo! Then we had to get into groups with someone NOT from your church, and we went to the different decorating stations. I’m a terrible picture taker because I get caught up in what I’m doing but I did snap a few of the decoration stations we went to. Ozzy’s Ostrich Nest for Preschoolers Weird Animal Letters made from foam core and wrapping paper. Weird Trees! (I know these have a name but I can’t remember it.) I learned a new technique for making tissue paper flowers! We sang some songs, then went to each station with our groups: Bible Adventur...