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Showing posts from June, 2017

What's on my Kidmin to do list this week? June 18, 2017

This week's list is simple... Sunday - Praying and last minute prep for VBS Monday - VBS Tuesday - VBS Wednesday - VBS Thursday - VBS Friday - VBS Saturday - Rest from VBS That's pretty much it!  See you on the other side. :) Watch for VBS wrap up post soon!

What's on my Kidmin to do list this week? June 11, 2017

Last week was busy as usual.  But I'm ready for another week and anxious to see what the Lord will do through His people. I'm praying that a VBS backdrop I ordered comes in time.  I don't want to waste money. If it arrives too late it will be useless to us. :(  Father you know the need, so trivial but yet I don't want to be wasteful of your resources.  It's in your hands. I trust You. :)  We had a successful decorating day on Saturday  Here's a peek of the one picture I got. Yes, just one. I'm terrible about taking pictures when I'm busy. Check In Station Now I'm ready to move on to the next step. VBS is one week away. I'm so excited! Sunday: My pastor has asked me to give a "mission report" on VBS this morning. I'm nervous and grateful.  I teach Sunday school with my son and then rest after that. Monday: Work on VBS at church.  Finishing up as many details as possible before our last decorating day. Tuesday: No ...

What's on my kidmin to do list this week? June 4, 2017

Seems like the weeks are flying by! This week is all about momentum.  VBS is 2 weeks away and we have gotten so much done yet so much more to be done but I refuse to worry or stress.  Telling kids about Jesus is more important that bulletin paper, glue, tape, foam and paint.  Yes I love those things and making things is lots of fun.  Changing the environment for VBS is very important. Yet I must keep the main thing the main thing.  My relationship with Jesus comes FIRST. Why? Because I can do nothing without Him. He does it through me. This is not my VBS, or my ministry (although I often use those terms) it is His.  He chooses to use me to do it and I'm so glad of that! On to the to do list: Sunday: Day of rest. I have only to teach Sunday school but after that I took a nap. I felt so refreshed this morning. God knew what He was doing when he required rest. Monday: Working on VBS today. Finishing some decorations and planning. Tuesday: Lead VBS ...