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Showing posts from January, 2014

Puppet Makeover for Tonight's Class

Chung Lu! Kick it! Hi-ya!

2104 Plans

We recently had a department planning meeting to plan all the fun things for the year!  Each month seems to have it's challenges and excitement! Here's what our team came up with for the upcoming year month-by-month. (This is just the outline, details to follow month-by-month) Annual planning meeting Children's Church teachers scheduled PIT Crew team to ministry festival Annual Valentine's Banquet scheduled and jobs assigned First VBS meeting scheduled Children's Church teachers scheduled VBS FUN Shop sponsored by Group Spring Break Skating Party Children's Church teachers scheduled Summer Planning meeting scheduled (we found there was too much detail to discuss on this agenda, so scheduled a meeting with just the Wednesday night workers to plan the summer activities) Palm Sunday - PIT Crew performance Easter Children's Church teachers scheduled GF Kids Club LIVE scheduled Annual Bak...

Sunday School Attendance Wall

I like to make a fun attendance board instead of the standard chart we've all seen. In August we used this one: I'm Lovin' It at Sunday School attendance board empty I actually took a fry cup apart, traced it, cut it out, added the name labels, laminated it, folded and taped it together and put it on the wall. Fry cup cut and laminated Then we used yellow construction paper and some decorative craft scissors and cut out tons of "french fries" that the kids would put their name and date on each week they were in Sunday school and put those in their cups. Fry cup full of fries! January is time for a new board.  So we now have this one: Sunday School Hits the Spot attendance board Sunday school hits the spot!  On this board we'll have colored dot stickers that the kids can add every week.  I thought about maybe getting those bingo markers and I may do that.  It would be lots of fun to put a dot on the board with one of those!

Where did December go? And a Pringles Nativity

I had such plans for December blog posts!  But it's already January 9th and half of it didn't get done.  Maybe that is the REAL ikidmin life!  Ha! I did want to blog about my month in children's church which we call  "GF Kid's Club".  The GF stands for "Grace Fellowship".  The name of our church. :) December was my month to be leader, I also coordinate the lessons for other leaders but we rotate the teaching on a monthly basis.  At this time we have five teams (I wish we had six!) so I always do the extra month to make it work out so that each team teaches twice a year.  We skip one month in the summer and we skip the first Sunday of each month so the kids get some exposure to "big church". Anyway, of course during December we went through the story of Jesus' birth and had a few fun games and activities to go with it.  We model our service after "big church" with singing, prayer, scripture, offering and a "sermon...