19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6
I found this great science activity to use four our unit on storing treasure in heaven and the kids loved it! It takes a little preparation ahead of time but it was really easy.
You will need:
- ice trays, (or other mold that can be put in the freezer.)
- 3 parts baking soda
- 1 part water
- Jello gelatin as much as desired, flavor/color of your choosing. (We chose blue for ours.)
- vinegar (we used almost 2 gallons)
- something to squirt the vinegar out (condiment bottle, turkey baster, eye dropper etc.)
To Prepare:
Mix the baking soda and water, add in the Jello as desired.
For the four ice trays pictured I used 6 cups of baking soda and 2 cups of water along with blueberry Jello. I mixed it in two batches because stirring that stuff isn't easy.
Spoon in some of the mixture into each cube section, add your treasure (we used gems and buttons) and then cover with more mixture.
I covered the trays with clear plastic wrap before freezing, just as a precaution.
Freeze for 24-48 hours. I wanted to be sure they were really frozen so I did mine the week before.
To Use:
Remove the cubes from the trays and put in a water proof container. We weren't sure how much vinegar it would take so we used plastic shoeboxes. I think it we'd used a Styrofoam bowl or something smaller it would have worked just as well because the vinegar wouldn't have spread out so much.
Give the kids the vinegar in a squeeze bottle and let them squirt the vinegar over the cube. The cube will bubble and begin to disappear before their eyes! They were fascinated and could not wait to see what was inside!
I wish I could show you all the smiles on the kids as they worked. They absolutely loved it!
We talked about how treasure on earth is easy to see, but heavenly treasure may be a little harder to see or touch but that it is so worth it!
This activity was a hit and it was very inexpensive. If you try this let me know how it goes!
I'm thinking of using it for VBS this year as an alternative to the Day 1 Imagination Station for Group's Cave Quest.
Here's where I got the idea and I just made it fit with our lesson. So fun!
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