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iKidmin Summer Review (Long)

I have been a terrible blogger!  I did not realize that the whole summer has gone by and I didn't record anything!  I've been busy and posting is so time consuming for me.
But if I'm going to do this then I need to do it!
I must add a disclaimer here - blogs are best with pictures and I will add pictures when I can but since the bulk of my ministry involves children, then many of my pictures include children and I do not have permission to post them so I will either be blocking out faces, or just including those pictures that I have the right to publish.  Thank you very much for your understanding thus far! :)

Now, let's go way, way back to May, seems so long ago doesn't it?  So much has happened!  We started the summer off with this Festival and although attendance was low (it seemed like everybody and their dog was having an event that day in our community!) we had lots of fun and met a few new faces!
Enter Summer…
We sent out flyers to the local schools for our “Super Summer” events
So let's recap:
Movie Night. Frozen
We had a bunch of kids show up for this and my daughter dressed as Elsa!  Do I have single picture?  NO!  I do not know why I didn't get one. :(
Fact: This was my first viewing of this movie!  I really didn’t even see all of it as I was busy with snacks and greeting.

Swim Night
swim night ikidminAgain, tons of kids AND Parents!  These are the best gatherings when families attend.

Team Jesus
team jesus ikidmin
Well, this was supposed to be at our local sports park but we had a summer rain storm.  In Texas. Go figure. No complaints because we needed the rain badly!  But we ended up in the gym, and with a low attendance but we still had fun and games and snow cones! Yeah! That makes every okay. :)
team jesus race 6-18-14

VBS Week!!! Yay!!!

Decorating day!  She’s so brave! That thing was a little shaky. Smile

VBS Volunteers having dinner before VBS begins. 
vbs 2014 workers eating before

Chef Dom DeLuise visited us at Weird Animals! Ha!
vbs 2014 ikidmin chef

The Cross is darkened by our sin. But that’s not the end of the story!  Praise Jesus!
vbs 2014 Jesus paid it all on the cross

Watch for God Wall
watch for God wall

God Sightings :)
in the clowds vbs 2014

Now we are into July!
Independence Day Celebration was a family event.  I didn't get to attend but here are a few highlights.
independence day ikidmin
Our pastor, leading the bike parade. Smile
bike parade ikidmin
Fireworks! Beautiful!
fireworks ikidmin
Splash Night!
splash night ikidmin
This was another fun night.  We rented a giant water slide, put out all the water guns and baby pools.  Lots of parents were there, and I was in another part of the building at the time, getting ready for preteen camp so I didn't get pictures!

Pre-Teen Camp
Kauf van preteen 2014
This was our camp theme and t-shirt logo.

Camp was so much fun! I am co-director of this camp, and our PIT Crew performed one night for the kids. 
pit crew preteen camp 2014
One of the downsides of having camp in East Texas? We had a child bitten by a copper head snake!  It was quite dramatic but praise the Lord that with prayer, essential oils and medicine he is FINE and no permanent damage!  We give God all the praise for his healing.  It was quite a scare for the other kids and everyone was more cautious after that.  But God still moved and we had several give their lives to Christ and surrender to the ministry!  God is so awesome and I am so very grateful He chose *me* to minister with children.  Love it!!!

My friend Paula (camp director), her grandchildren, and my corny grandson hiding his face, and me (the one with glasses) on the first day of camp. <3

I’m still on “high” from  preteen camp!  It’s my favorite week, aside from VBS of course. Smile

Our group at camp

My 16 yo son helped out at camp too.  Here he is trying to learn the theme verse from Sparky, the camp pastor.

Leap for Joy
leap for joy ikidmin
I have no pictures from this event.  But we discovered many children do not know how to jump rope!

Fact: I was still able to jump rope and even do a few “hot peppers” after all these years! Ha!

Art Attack
art attack ikidmin

One of the crafts we made was spin art!  Always a hit!
God Created Animals
god created animals ikidmin

We were visited by some sweet, amazing animals!
god created animals 8-6-14
2014-08-06 18.37.11

And made our own animals masks! Roar!
god created animals mask 8-6-14

Shoebox Night!
This deserves it’s own separate post.  I’ll be blogging about it soon.  But for now I’ll say we really got a good head start on this mission project and we set a goal of 50 boxes!

Back to School Bash!
backtoschool bash ikidmin
So much fun!  We had a good turn out and lots of fun.  The weather was wonderful.  We had hot dogs, chips, juice boxes, popsicles and prizes. Oh and water! 

We had a WONDERFUL summer in our children’s department.  Now summer fun has ended and school has begun and a new routine begins.  I’m excited to see what God is going to do this year!


  1. This summer looks like you had tons of fun and activity with the kiddos... and Glory to God!
    Love the spin art...last time I saw that done was with our Friend Jeri ...she was a big hit with that fan!


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