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Super Summer Spectacular 2014: Art Attack!

Note before I begin: So, I'm waayyy behind in blogging and we've had lots of fun over the last few months.  I'm going to just move forward and not waste those photos and go ahead and blog them now even though most of them are months old!  Forgive me.
One Wednesday night last summer we had art night!
(I touched on this briefly here)
Here are a few of the stations we had.  You can see the spin art using a box fan.  This is super easy and loads of fun!!!!
The geometric designs you see were created by masking tape, then painting and pulling off the tape to reveal the white lines.
2014-07-30 19.11.53

2014-07-30 19.11.322014-07-30 19.11.492014-07-30 19.11.562014-07-30 19.12.022014-07-30 19.12.092014-07-30 19.05.222014-07-30 19.12.122014-07-30 19.12.222014-07-30 19.13.512014-07-30 19.14.21
2014-07-30 19.14.472014-07-30 19.15.47

We even did the old 60’s paint filled balloons and dart throwing.
The kids LOVED it!
2014-07-30 19.23.132014-07-30 19.23.162014-07-30 19.24.032014-07-30 19.25.19
Creating things with kids is one of the things I love most!  Every piece is unique and special, just like them!
If you’d like to make spin art like this it’s easy. 
  • Just get a box fan and take off one side of the guard. 
  • Lay it on it’s side, fasten a piece of cardboard in the middle (I think we just used duct tape)
  • Use some cardboard around the sides to cut down on splatter.
  • Fill squeezable bottles with tempra paint (we used bottles like these (You’ll need to thin the paint just a little, you may need to test it to get the right consistency. You want it to spread but not be so thin it flies everywhere!)
  • Use masking tape to adhere the art paper
  • turn the fan on
  • squeeze the paint in any color combination you like
  • These are the results!
spin art
Check out this video showing the process, it’s just as much fun and the finished product!
Spin Art 2014


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