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Peanuts Theme Christmas Part 1

Planning Christmas lessons for children’s church every year is so hard for me and I don’t know why because I love it!

This year, I’m in a rut. I decided on a Peanuts theme and I really thought I would just run with it, (I’ve always LOVED the Peanuts Gang) but I’m stuck!

I’m struggling with finding time to make and put up decorations.  I don’t want to even decorate my own home. 

I’m in that stagnant perfectionism state and I HATE it!

I have prayed and asked God to show me what to do, but honestly I’d rather be doing VBS.  It’s calling me.  Our VBS kit arrived this week and that doesn’t help!!!! I love VBS! I wish I could live in a VBS village (I think it’s called Disney World!). 

However, it is December and I do have Christmas to think about so I went to Walmart to get what I needed for decorating but not really having a concrete plan, I prayed and asked God to help me get what I needed and as I walked around the store (knowing I didn’t have much money to spend) I started to realize I had just about everything I needed to make this for almost FREE! And I think it will actually be more interesting.
  • I need white paper, blue paper, and green paper – check I have those 3 colors in the resource room.
  • I need different colors to make the characters clothing – check I have fabric and construction paper and can use that.
  • I need something for their faces that will be flesh colored – check I have manila folders and manila paper.
  • I need red to make Snoopy’s dog house – purchased 2 sheets of red posterboard for $1.98
  • I will need tape, glue and staples – check.
  • I’ll need an overhead projector and transparencies – check !
I’m ready to start decorating!

This is our stage "before"
Here’s the plan: 

  • Cover the bottom of the stage walls in white paper, I also have quilt batting on hand and can use that for added dimension.  
  • I planned on covering the top with blue paper, but it’s already blue so I may not need to do that.  
  • Cut out green trees for the background and of course I will need the famous “Charlie Brown Tree” and I would like that to be dimensional, so I’m still thinking on that.
  • Make Snoopy’s dog house.  We have a little building painted on the stage and I may cover that with the dog house but I’m not quite sure if that will work yet.
  • I watched the “It’s Christmas Charlie Brown” video to get clips and ideas for activities.  I came up with several games to play from watching. I’ll blog about those later.
  • I’m writing my own lessons.  I divided up the Christmas story into three parts because I have 3 weeks to teach it. I looked for ideas to incorporate the theme into the lesson.  I’m thinking of making Lucy’s Psychiatric Help booth for the review questions or something.  I’m still developing this as I go!  Stay tuned!


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