Sunday for children's worship we started a new Toy Box series and I set up the decorations on Saturday. It was lots of fun! The Etch A Sketch is crooked and it's annoying but it is what it is. Not one child commented on it and that's why I love kids.
The hit of the day was "The Claw" prize box. I'll share how it works soon in another post.
This week I have a variety of things to do and not sure what day they will happen so instead of a day by day outline I'm just going to list them:
- make a toybox bulletin board for a prayer station. The idea is that the kids will write their prayer on a paper with a pic of a toy and place it in the toybox.
- finish filling the Easter goody bags and set up the station for kids to pick them up on Sunday
- get pics approved and processed for our kids facebook page
- set up for Wednesday PowerSource
- set up the DOT Store for Wednesday PowerSource (we didn't get it done last week!)
- I have a week off of lessons because for Easter we are meeting all together so I hope to get ahead on some prep work.
- data entry for our new child check in system. I'm so excited we will finally have a computer check in system. We are using Mudpies Creations and I really think it will be a good fit for us since the internet is so slow in our location. I'll update after we use it for a while.
- planning for the VBS Conference that I teach later in the month.
- rehearsal with the PIT Crew Saturday evening on a dowel rod song they are performing for Easter Sunday
- Thankfully, we don't have an Easter Egg hunt at my church. If we did, then this list would look a lot different!
This is my kidmin list! I hope to get it all crossed off by Saturday evening and enjoy a nice Easter Sunday.
I pray that you have a wonderful Easter celebrating that JESUS IS ALIVE!
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